Guidelines and Reservations

Meeting Rooms

Meeting Room Guidelines

Libraries in the Southern Oklahoma Library System (SOLS), with the exception of library headquarters in Ardmore, are owned and maintained by the local communities. Meeting room and equipment policies are the responsibility of SOLS and are designed to accommodate all library patrons. The SOLS Board of Trustees, consisting of representatives from the System’s five counties and eight cities, have approved the following guidelines for meeting room use:

Meeting space in the libraries of SOLS is available for meetings and programs of the library, library system, and library related organizations; non-profit, civic, cultural, educational, governmental, and professional organizations; religious and political groups; for-profit commercial groups.

Fees & Deposits

No fee is charged for the use of the library meeting space for general meetings. Social events such as birthday parties, baby showers, and wedding showers must pay a $100 cash deposit to use the meeting room.


Reservations must be made with local library personnel at least 1 day but not more than 1 year in advance. No more than 2 reservations may be made at any one time, except by special arrangement.

Reservations will be accepted on a first come-first served basis, except library, library related events, public relations, and meetings of the city or county in those libraries where the library building is owned by the city or county will take precedence. Meetings will generally be scheduled to take place during library hours. Special arrangements for meetings outside library hours may be arranged.

Meetings must be FREE and OPEN to the public. Free-will donations, membership dues, and/or registration fees covering materials and/or speakers are permitted. Buying and selling are NOT PERMITTED at meetings sponsored by for-profit groups.

Each group is responsible for ensuring its program is in compliance with applicable state and federal statutes (i.e. Open Meetings Act, Copyright Law, ADA, etc.).

Set Up & Use

Use of the Southern Oklahoma Library System’s audiovisual equipment must by arranged in advance and is subject to normal library circulation policies.

Refreshments may be used. Tobacco use is NOT PERMITTED in any public area of the library.

The booking organization is responsible for arranging the room to suit its needs; returning the room to its original arrangement; leaving the room in a neat, clean and orderly condition; reimbursing SOLS or the applicable governing agency for any special cleaning needed and/or any repair or replacement of library property or equipment. Any deposits will be returned after staff has inspected the meeting room.

SOLS reserves the right to deny use of the library meeting space to any group which knowingly violates any of the listed guidelines. The use of the library meeting space by any organization does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of that organization’s policies or beliefs by the Southern Oklahoma Library System or its Board of Trustees or employees.